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发布日期:2024-10-06 03:23浏览次数:
本文摘要:Chances are, you plug in your phone before you go to bed at night, thinking it’s best to greet the morning with a fully charged device.晚上睡前,你可能会把手机接通电源,就让第二天一早已能看见一部电量满格的设备。

Chances are, you plug in your phone before you go to bed at night, thinking it’s best to greet the morning with a fully charged device.晚上睡前,你可能会把手机接通电源,就让第二天一早已能看见一部电量满格的设备。Is this a good idea?这是个好主意吗?That depends.不一定。Here’s the thing. Many people don’t expect to keep their phones for much longer than two years.问题在于,许多人并没让一部手机用剩两年以上的想。

For the most part, experts say, those people are not going to notice much damage to their phone batteries before they start hankering for a new device.业内人士称之为,大多数情况下,这些人在对一部新的设备心生憧憬之前,并会注意到原有设备的电池损毁有多相当严重。If that sounds like you, feel free to charge every night, and as often as you like in between.如果你就归属于这种情况,那你大可以每天晚上都电池,白天也可以想充几次就差使几次。But frequent charging takes a toll on the lithium-ion batteries in our phones. And it’s not because they can be overcharged, said Edo Campos, a spokesman for Anker, which produces phone chargers.但频密电池不会损害手机的锂离子电池。

而手机充电器厂商Anker的发言人埃多坎波斯(Edo Campos)说道,原因并不在于它们不可以被过度电池。“Smartphones are, in fact, smart,” Mr. Campos said. “They know when to stop charging.”“事实上,智能手机很聪慧,”坎波斯说道。

“它们告诉该在何时暂停电池。”Android phones and iPhones are equipped with chips that protect them from absorbing excess electrical current once they are fully charged.安卓手机和iPhone一旦充好电,内置的芯片就不会避免它们吸取多余的电流。So in theory, any damage from charging your phone overnight with an official charger, or a trustworthy off-brand charger, should be negligible.因此,理论上用原厂充电器或信得过的其他厂牌的充电器给手机半夜电池,所导致的伤害基本可以忽略不计。But the act of charging is itself bad for your phone’s battery.但电池不道德本身对手机电池是危害的。

Here’s why.理由如下。Most phones make use of a technology that allows their batteries to accept more current faster. Hatem Zeine, the founder, chief scientist and chief technical officer of the wireless charging company Ossia, says the technology enables phones to adjust to the amount of charge that a charger is capable of supplying.大多数手机都使用了一种可以让电池较慢电池的技术。

无线充电装置生产企业Ossia的创始人、首席科学家及首席技术官哈特姆泽恩(Hatem Zeine)说道,这种技术不会让手机作出调整,适应环境充电器需要供应的电量。The technology allows power to pulse into the battery in specific modulations, increasing the speed at which the lithium ions in the battery travel from one side to the other and causing the battery to charge more quickly.该技术容许以特定的脉冲调制方式将电充入电池,可以提升锂离子在电池中的移动速度,从而让电池更慢地充好电。But this process also leads lithium-ion (and lithium-polymer) batteries to corrode faster than they otherwise would.但与常规电池方式比起,这一过程也不会造成锂离子(以及锂聚合物)电池的损耗速度减缓。

“When you charge fast all the time, you limit the life span of the battery,” Mr. Zeine said.“总是较慢电池的话,电池的使用寿命就不会减少,”泽恩说道。Is there a solution?有什么解决办法吗?If you’re intent on preserving a lithium-ion battery beyond the lifetime of the typical phone or tablet, Mr. Zeine suggested using a charger meant for a less powerful device, though he couldn’t guarantee that it would work.如果你无意维护锂离子电池,想要让它的寿命比一般的手机或平板电脑更长,泽恩建议用于专门小功率设备配有的充电器,但他无法确保该方法一定有效地。“For example, if you used an iPhone charger on an iPad Pro, it’s going to charge very slowly,” Mr. Zeine said. “If the electronics are right, they can actually preserve the battery because you’re always charging it slowly.”“荐个例子,如果用iPhone充电器给iPad电池,速度不会极快,” 泽伊内说道。

“如果用对了充电器,它们知道能维护电池,因为你一直在用极快的速度电池。”People looking to preserve their batteries should make sure their phones don’t become overheated, Mr. Campos advised, because high temperatures further excite the lithium-ion in batteries, leading to even quicker deterioration.坎波斯建议,想维护电池的人应当保证其手机会短路,因为高温不会让电池中的锂离子以更慢的速度移动,从而造成电池更慢地损耗。Apple’s website says temperatures above 95 degrees Fahrenheit (or 35 Celsius) can “permanently damage battery capacity.”苹果官网称之为,温度多达95华氏度(或35摄氏度),“不会对电池性能导致永久性伤害”。

Both Mr. Zeine and Mr. Campos noted that given the constant demand for new cellphones, charging overnight might not be a point of great concern for many people.泽恩和坎波斯都认为,鉴于对新手机的持续市场需求,很多人有可能不过于关心半夜电池的问题。“All this actually doesn’t make a huge difference for consumers,” Mr. Campos said, citing a 2015 Gallup survey showing that 44 percent of smartphone users planned to upgrade their devices as soon as their providers allowed it — usually after two years, about the length of time it takes for batteries to start showing signs of wear.“对消费者而言,这一切只不过并没过于大意义,”坎波斯援引盖洛普(Gallup)公司2015年积极开展的一项调查称之为,只要供应商容许,44%的智能手机用户不会马上改版手上的设备——那一般来说是在用于了两年之后,大体上也是电池开始经常出现老化迹象的时候。



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