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发布日期:2024-10-05 20:22浏览次数:
本文摘要:Alibaba is in advanced talks to buy an approximately $500m stake in the parent company of leading Indian mobile payment platform Paytm, marking the Chinese ecommerce group’s first significant foray into the country’s rapidly expanding start-up scene.阿里巴巴(Alibaba)无意并购印度领先移动支付平台Paytm的母公司约5亿美元的股权,涉及谈判已转入了解阶段。

Alibaba is in advanced talks to buy an approximately $500m stake in the parent company of leading Indian mobile payment platform Paytm, marking the Chinese ecommerce group’s first significant foray into the country’s rapidly expanding start-up scene.阿里巴巴(Alibaba)无意并购印度领先移动支付平台Paytm的母公司约5亿美元的股权,涉及谈判已转入了解阶段。此举将标志着这家中国电子商务集团首次乘机进占印度很快不断扩大的初创企业领域。

Both Alibaba Group Holding’s ecommerce arm and its online payments unit Alipay are set to participate in the transaction, which will conclude later this month, three people familiar with the deal told the Financial Times.三名知情人士告诉他英国《金融时报》,阿里巴巴集团有限公司有限公司的电子商务部门和阿里巴巴在线缴纳部门“支付宝”(Alipay)都将参予这笔交易,该交易预计在本月晚些时候达成协议。India enjoyed an ecommerce investment boom in 2014, as prominent Silicon Valley-based funds began pouring fresh funds into fast-growing domestic start-ups, such as e-retailer Flipkart and online marketplace Snapdeal, at multibillion-dollar valuations.印度在2014年期间蓬勃发展一股电子商务投资热潮,一些著名硅谷基金开始向快速增长的印度国内初创企业流经新的资金,如电子零售商Flipkart和在线市场Snapdeal,使这些初创企业的估值超过数十亿美元的水平。

The arrival of Alibaba, the largest ecommerce group by revenue, is likely to increase excitement over the sector’s prospects. It will also pit the Chinese company against US-based Amazon, which invested $2bn in its local subsidiary last year.作为全球营收最低的电子商务集团,阿里巴巴的来临很可能会减少各方对该行业发展前景的激动心情。它也使这家中国企业构成与美国亚马逊(Amazon)对付的态势;亚马逊去年对其印度子公司投资了20亿美元。Under the terms of Alibaba’s deal, its two entities will take minority stakes as part of a two-stage investment in One97 Communications, the parent company of Paytm, India’s biggest mobile payments company by market share.按照上述交易的条款,阿里巴巴的两个实体将并购少数股权,作为对Paytm的母公司One97 Communications两阶段投资的一部分。

Paytm是印度市场份额仅次于的移动支付公司。Paytm allows Indian phone users to put funds in a mobile wallet, which they can spend on services such as taxi app Uber and cinema service BookMyShow. It claims to have about 20m users.Paytm让印度的手机用户需要将资金转至一个移动钱包,然后用其缴纳各种服务,如微信应用于优步(Uber)和影院服务BookMyShow。

它声称享有大约2000万用户。Paytm also launched an online marketplace last year, providing a platform for businesses to sell products online. This is similar to Alipay, China’s leading payment platform by revenue, which Alibaba offers in its home market.去年Paytm还发售了一个在线市场,获取了一个让企业在网上销售产品的平台。这类似于阿里巴巴在本土市场获取的支付宝,中国按营收取决于领先的缴纳平台。

“The two most exciting sectors in Indian technology are ecommerce and payments, and they [One97] have both,” the person said, on condition of anonymity. “So while the business isn’t as big as Amazon or Snapdeal yet, they have the same parts as the Chinese, so it fits together perfectly.”“印度技术行业两个最令人兴奋的领域是电子商务和缴纳,而他们(One97)两者兼具,”拒绝电子邮件的一名知情人士回应。“因此,虽然业务仍未超过亚马逊或Snapdeal那样的规模,但它们同这家中国企业具备完全相同的组成部分,可以极致地融合在一起。”Although Alibaba is understood to have no plans to launch its own services in India, its likely investment in Paytm follows a string of deals in 2014 by founder Jack Ma, ahead of his company’s blockbuster $25bn initial public offering in New York last September.尽管阿里巴巴据报并无计划在印度发售自己的服务,但其对Paytm作出有可能的投资之前,创始人马云(Jack Ma) 2014年在他的公司于9月在纽约展开250亿美元首次公开发表上市(IPO)之前,达成协议了一连串交易。

Alibaba could not be reached for comment, while Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma declined to discuss his fundraising plans. Paytm’s investors include SAIF, Saama Capital and SAP Ventures.记者联系不上阿里巴巴请求其置评,而Paytm创始人维贾伊谢卡尔夏尔马(Vijay Shekhar Sharma)不愿辩论他的融资计划。Paytm的现有投资者还包括硬银赛富(SAIF)、Saama Capital和SAP Ventures。

Paytm will use the new funds to invest in infrastructure helping thousands of smaller Indian businesses to use their mobile marketplace, grabbing more of an ecommerce sector that will be worth $44bn by 2018, according to analysts at CLSA. Only a small fraction of the country’s 200m internet users transact online, according to Jefferies, a broker.Paytm将把新的资金投资于基础设施,协助成千上万的印度中小企业利用其移动市场,以在国内电子商务行业夺回更大的市场份额。里昂证券(CLSA)的分析师们称之为,到2018年印度电商行业规模将超过440亿美元。据经纪商杰富瑞集团(Jefferies)讲解,目前印度2亿网民中只有一小部分人会展开在线交易。



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