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发布日期:2024-10-15 20:22浏览次数:
本文摘要:Chinese internet companies are battling it out to create credit ratings based not just on citizens’ finances but also their social networks, raising fears that Big Brother could take up residence in consumers’ wallets.中国互联网企业正在进行白热化竞争,都力图创建一个不仅依据个人财务状况、也依据他们的社交网络用于记录来评分的信用评估系统,这引发了“老大哥”有可能将支配消费者钱包的忧虑。

Chinese internet companies are battling it out to create credit ratings based not just on citizens’ finances but also their social networks, raising fears that Big Brother could take up residence in consumers’ wallets.中国互联网企业正在进行白热化竞争,都力图创建一个不仅依据个人财务状况、也依据他们的社交网络用于记录来评分的信用评估系统,这引发了“老大哥”有可能将支配消费者钱包的忧虑。Sesame Credit and other credit rating systems are responding to a glaring need for a credit rating database in a country that has seen rapid growth in personal credit cards, mortgages and online payments systems. About a third of Chinese own credit cards, up from 15 per cent five years ago.中国的个人信用卡、按揭贷款和在线缴纳系统快速增长快速增长,为此迫切需要创建一个信用评估数据库,芝麻信用(Sesame Credit)等个人联合报系统应运而生。目前约三分之一的中国人享有信用卡,5年前这个比例是15%。

Pilot programmes have drawn on users’ social networks, purchasing behaviour and even time spent on the phone as proxies for creditworthiness, spurring American Civil Liberties Union policy analyst Jay Stanley to call the programme “nightmarish” and warn against its adoption in the US.一些试运营系统把用户的社交网络、出售不道德,甚至用于手机的时间长短作为信用评估指标。美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)的政策分析师杰伊斯坦利(Jay Stanley)称之为这些项目“像噩梦一般”,并警告美国国内不要使用这种作法。

However, in China, where civil rights lawyers are jailed, online postings censored and popular social networking apps such as WeChat monitored for politically sensitive content, citizens seem to have no such concerns. Rather they have turned to the internet in droves to brag about their high scores.但在中国,一个民权律师被投放监狱、网络言论遭审查、微信(WeChat)等热门社交媒体应用于受到监控以过滤器政治脆弱内容的国家,人们或许没这种忧虑。忽略,他们竞相在网上夸耀自己的信用分。“No one on earth can stop me now!” exulted Rongrong, an e-commerce seller from Hangzhou who regularly posts her credit scores online. Sesame Credit rated her 813 out of a possible score of 950, or “credit extremely good”.“现在地球上没有人能制止我了!”杭州一个电商卖家Rongrong兴高采烈地说道。


Early this year China’s central bank authorised eight companies to pilot credit ratings systems, setting the goal of creating a national system by 2020.中国央行今年初许可8家机构试运营信用评估系统,目标是到2020年竣工一个全国性评估系统。The rival commercial ratings systems starting up now could set a precedent for how the national system functions.现在开始运行的各个商业性评估系统,也许不会为今后全国性系统的运营竖立一个模板。“It’s clear from the text that Chinese authorities don’t want a credit system that’s completely focused on finances; rather they paint the new system as a way of rewarding “sincerity” (and punishing insincerity) throughout society,” wrote Charlie Custer on tech blog Tech in Asia.“显而易见,中国当局并不想一个几乎基于财务状况的信用评估系统;忽略,他们把新的系统叙述为一种奖励‘诚信’(和惩罚欺诈)的方式,”亨利愠斯特(Charlie Custer)在科技博客Tech in Asia中写到。Nonetheless, he said he had found no evidence for the ACLU’s assertion that a person’s political posts, or their friends’ political activity, was used in assessing credit scores.根据美国公民自由联盟的众说纷纭,在中国,一个人在网上公开发表的政治言论、他的朋友专门从事的政治活动都会被用作评估信用分。

卡斯特回应他没找到反对这种众说纷纭的证据。Some western companies are reportedly trying to develop a credit scoring model based on consumers’ social networks.据报导,有些西方企业正试图研发基于消费者社交网络的信用评分模型。Among the rival Chinese systems are Sesame Credit, which rates users partly on their purchases through Alibaba’s online payment system Alipay, and China Rapid Finance, which draws on big data scraped from Tencent, the Chinese internet and gaming company.芝麻信用和信而富(China Rapid Finance)是中国个人信用评估公司中的两家,芝麻信用的一个评分依据是用户通过阿里巴巴(Alibaba)在线缴纳平台支付宝(Alipay)展开缴纳的购物不道德,信而富则利用从中国互联网及游戏公司腾讯(Tencent)来作的大数据。

One credit rating system trialled by smartphone maker Xiaomi’s financial services arm gives Chinese teenagers a new excuse to be on the phone all the time. It assesses credit based on guidelines including the users’ finance record, use of Xiaomi apps and community forums, and “frequent use of Xiaomi phones”.智能手机厂商小米(Xiaomi)旗下金融服务机构正在试验的一个信用评估系统,给了中国年轻人一个长时间用于手机的新借口。该系统评分所用于的参照标准,还包括用户的财务纪录,对小米应用于和社区论坛的用于情况,以及“用于小米手机的频率”。



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