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发布日期:2024-09-27 20:22浏览次数:
本文摘要:Chinese electronics manufacturer Xiongmai is recalling some older versions of its webcams sold in the US after they were linked to the “botnet” attack that disrupted internet services from Twitter to the New York Times on Friday.中国电子产品制造商雄迈正在解任其在美国销售的部分老款网络摄像头,这些产品被指出与上周五中断美国互联网服务——从Twitter到《纽约时报》——的“僵尸网络”反击有关联。

Chinese electronics manufacturer Xiongmai is recalling some older versions of its webcams sold in the US after they were linked to the “botnet” attack that disrupted internet services from Twitter to the New York Times on Friday.中国电子产品制造商雄迈正在解任其在美国销售的部分老款网络摄像头,这些产品被指出与上周五中断美国互联网服务——从Twitter到《纽约时报》——的“僵尸网络”反击有关联。Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology said it would recall earlier versions of the webcams after cyber security researchers identified them as a contributor to the network that hackers used to flood Dyn, a domain name service provider, with traffic.杭州雄迈信息技术有限公司(Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology)称之为,将解任一些早期版本的网络摄像头,此前,网络安全研究人员证实,黑客利用了还包括这些网络摄像头在内的设备,对域名服务提供商Dyn展开超大规模流量采访。The Chinese manufacturer told the Financial Times that it had issued security updates to cameras sold before April 2015, adding that its internet-connected cameras were still safe to use and that it was not responsible for the internet outage.这家中国制造商对英国《金融时报》回应,此前该公司应向2015年4月之前出售的摄像头公布了安全更新程序,并补足称之为,其与互联网相连的摄像头仍可安全性用于,此次网络中断的责任不出该公司。

It said that any attack could only have occurred on equipment using firmware from before April 2015, with an unchanged preset password and exposed to public internet.该公司回应,只有仍在用于2015年4月之前公布的固件、初始密码未修改且曝露于公共网络的设备才不会遭反击。Hackers used source code for Mirai, malicious software that takes over internet of things devices and is now widely available on the internet, to create a “botnet” — or interconnected network of computers controlled by cybercriminals.黑客利用恶意软件Mirai的源代码创建了一个“僵尸网络”(由被网络犯罪分子掌控的相互连接的计算机网络)。

这款恶意软件需要掌控物联网设备,很更容易在互联网上取得。The botnet attacked Dyn, making it unable to translate the names of many major websites into addresses that the internet can understand, so disrupting access.僵尸网络攻击了Dyn,令其它无法将许多主要网站的名称翻译成互联网可以解读的地址,造成网络采访中断。

Dyn said on Saturday that many of the internet protocol addresses associated with the Mirai botnet had been used in the two attacks, as well as one attempted attack it was trying to defend against.上周六Dyn回应,许多与Mirai僵尸网络有关的互联网协议地址在两次反击中被用于过,另外还有一次反击企图被其希望拦阻。Kyle York, Dyn’s chief strategy officer, said the company, alongside law enforcement agencies, was still investigating who was behind the attack.Dyn首席战略官凯尔.约克(Kyle York)回应,该公司与执法人员机构仍在调查这次反击的幕后黑手。



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