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jbo竞博官网登录|卖肾之前你应该了解iPhone 6S的五件事

发布日期:2024-09-22 20:22浏览次数:
本文摘要:Its that time of year again. The kids are back in school, the nights are getting cooler, footballs are flying through the air and Apple is readying new iPhones.又到了每一年的这个时候。

Its that time of year again. The kids are back in school, the nights are getting cooler, footballs are flying through the air and Apple is readying new iPhones.又到了每一年的这个时候。孩子们开学了,夜日渐转凉,足球在空中飞旋,而苹果公司打算公布新版iPhone了。The company just announced it will hold an event September 9 in San Francisco. And while Apple is tighter with its secrets than the CIA, a new generation of iPhones -- which have been birthed every September or October since 2011 -- are a safe bet.苹果公司刚宣告将于9月9日在旧金山开会发布会。虽然苹果对于其秘密的激进比中央情报局还要严苛,但是新一代iPhone ——自2011年以来,不免都会问世于九月或十月——则是一个一定能输掉的赌局。

Heres what to expect from the ninth generation of Apples flagship device.以下是对苹果第九代旗舰设备的预期。Name名字If recent patterns hold, the phone will be called iPhone 6S -- assuming its a relatively modest upgrade over last years iPhone 6. But if Apple overhauls the handset, it may ditch the odd-year S naming convention and call it iPhone 7.如果最近情况恒定,新版iPhone的名字有误iPhone6S——假设其相比于去年的iPhone6只是展开了比较有助于的升级。但如果苹果公司回应款手机展开了完全改革,或许不会超越奇数年用“S”命名的传统,将新机称作iPhone7。

Theres a perception among some consumers that the S models arent as desirable as the others. And Apple may eventually choose to drop the numbers and letters entirely (iPhone 19S doesnt have a great ring to it).消费者中有一个观点,指出“S”机种并不如其他机种令人满意,苹果或许最后不会自由选择几乎毁掉这些数字和字母(“iPhone19S”听得一起并不怎么样)。Until then, were betting on iPhone 6S.在此之前,我们开玩笑名字为iPhone6S。

Size尺寸Reports suggest that after enlarging the device several times in recent years, Apple will retain the same display size as last years phones -- a 4.7-inch diagonal screen for the regular model and 5.5 inches for the Plus model. But the new phones may be slightly thicker.报告指出,在近些年几次不断扩大屏幕尺寸之后,苹果公司将之后延用去年产品的两个尺寸版本——4.7寸和5.5寸,但新版手机厚度有可能有所减少。According to the Wall Street Journal, whose Apple sources are usually reliable, the physical design will remain unchanged.《华尔街日报》所获得的苹果公司的消息源一般来说更为可信,据其称之为,新版手机的结构设计将不会维持恒定。Colors颜色Apple made a splash several years ago when it broadened its black-and-white iPhone palette to include gold, silver and space gray.几年前,苹果公司将其黑白色设计拓展为还包括金色、银色和“深空灰色”时,曾引起轰动。

Apple blog 9to5Mac says Apple this year is set to add a new color: rose gold, which means a coppery hue. The Apple Watch comes in that color.苹果博客9to5Mac报导,苹果公司今年将新开一种颜色:玫瑰金色,这意味著一种铜质色调。苹果手表便用了这个颜色。Release date公布日期Apple typically begins selling new iPhones in the United States a week or so after theyre unveiled, and always on a Friday. For example, the iPhone 6 went on sale 10 days after last years launch event.苹果公司一般来说是在公开发表了其新一代手机约一周之后,之后在美国开始销售,并且总是在周五这天。

比如,去年发布会开会10天之后,iPhone6之后上市销售了。So the first day youll likely be able to get your mitts on a new iPhone will be September 18.因此,你需要获得新一代iPhone的最先时间有可能是9月18日。

Features特点As usual, Apple will pack the new phones with a faster processor and an improved camera. Reports say the next cameras will boast 12 megapixels (theyre 8 megapixels now) and 4K video recording.正如整天一样,新版iPhone将配备更加极快的处理器,摄像头也将升级。报告称之为下一代摄像头为1200万像素(现在为800万像素),反对4K视频录音。But the biggest new feature will likely be something called Force Touch.但是仅次于的新特色,有可能是新一代iPhone反对Force Touch。

Already in use on the Apple Watch, Force Touch uses tiny electrodes around the display that can distinguish between a light tap and a deep press. Users can tap the screen to open an app or press down firmly to access a new range of additional controls.Forch Touch已被应用于苹果手表中,显示屏周围另设许多微小电极,Force Touch 通过它们来感官轻点和松开的区别。用户可轻点屏幕关上应用程序或是用力松开来用于一系列可选控件。



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